Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November

Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November
Dancing at Davis Restaurant. Above videos of Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires Milongas.Click to view

Tango activities by Marisela

Tango Activities by Marisela

- Immersion tango and cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November.
- Tango classes on Sunday.
- La Milonguita dj'd by Marisela.
- Sponsor out of town master instructors.
- Milonga Bruja fourth Thursday of each Month
- Milonga Loca Second Thursday of each Month

Several Videos of Marisela Dancing with Various Partners

Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires¶ms=OAFIAVgJ&v=cT76Cq5w_qA&mode=NORMAL

Friday, May 25, 2012

By Marisela Rizik
Being around Muma is like collectively feeling and sharing the early era of tango. Her memories are precious gems for those of us who loves everything tango. Muma brings to the dance floor, the recolection of how tango was like in her time as well as her parents. Her memories guide us way beyond the tango renaissance of the mid 80's.

Muma was exposed to tango music and dancing since her early childhood.(check her musicality, my goodness!)

Her parents met at a milonga- Glorias Argentinas. Her mother sang with the Lomuto orchestra!

Milongas in her grandma's patio with lights hanging from climbing plants are part of her early memories.

Her family befriended orchestra leaders, singers and tango musicians. Alberto Castillo was a close family friend.

She danced live to the orchestra whose recordings we play nowadays.

And when Rock took over pushing tango aside, she joined that group, but at home she said they still listened and danced tango.

Later, when the revival of tango in the mid 80's knocked at her door, she was ready. She has not stopped since then. She met and taught with the best known milongueros: Vidort, El flaco Danny, El pibe Sarandi and many more.

Do you want tradition and social tango? Come to Muma's workshopo and you'll learn from a source with documented evidence.

In Muma's words: "My purpose is that people who learn from me, learn to dance in a way that they can express themselves with body and soul, my style is not the style for the entertainment of the onlooker, but for the satisfaction of the couple dancing for 3 minutes of utmost enjoyment..."

Deadline for discount is coming up this Sunday: Please bring your check or cash to Milonga Bruja this Friday or la milonguita, and sure you can always mail it.

Here the workshop announcements:

Muma is a great tango dancer and teacher from Buenos Aires versed in teaching the essence of Argentine tango, its musicality and everything that has to do with teaching tango as a social dance!
MILONGA BOOTCAMP. Get a complete picture of the milonga dance with these sequential workshops. Strongly recommended by Muma to be taken in sequence even if you understand the milonga dance. Muma will work heavily with traspie. In Muma words: The understanding of the traspie in milonga improves your tango and waltz for the precision that it requires and the speed of the rhythm.
1) Milonga lisa: rhythm, balance, posture change of weight.
15 minutes breaks between clases.
1:30- 2:45
2). Traspie basic sequences:
Quick Review of material covered in previous class.
3:00- 4:15
(3) Switching between milonga lisa and milonga traspie. We’ll study a different sequence of traspie. Always integrating the previous material.
4) Giro and contragiro- (turn and counter-turn with traspie). Using the same sequences studied in the previous Workshops we will include the ability to make the giro and contra-giro.
1:30- 2:45
5) Cementing the work of giro and contragiro from the previous workshop, plus unifying the new material -improvising at times and learning how to use it in the social dance floor
3:00- 4:15
6) Total practice of all the covered material with specific feedback and corrections make to each dancer. In this class, you will see how the material studied applied to tango and waltz as well as milonga.

All prepaid payments need to be received on or before Sunday May 27
Each workshop - $20 prepaid / $25 after the deadline
$15 for students.
Private lessons - $70 for individual. $90 for couple. Reserve early! Plus Studio fee. Or if you have space at home, you can take Muma to your space.
Friday, Monday-Tuesday-
Checks to: Multicultural Media
P.O. Box 374 Eugene, Oregon 97440
Please include, name, phone number
and workshop number.
or just bring it to La Milonguita on Sundays
Info & Questions:
Marisela Rizik 541-485-6647

All workshops at the Reach Center 2520 Harris street.
5-7PM. LA Milonguita as usual
Another chance to hang with Muma.

See Muma dancing in these videos .

Friday, May 4, 2012

June 1-5 in Eugene

Muma, one of Buenos Aires' most experienced tangueras, will be sharing her skills and knowledge in workshops and private and semi-private lessons.

More information coming soon.

For now, watch Muma dance below:

Muma y Dani "El Flaco" GarcĂ­a en Sunderland

Muma - Ricardo Vidort Tango "Cuatro Palabras"