Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November

Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November
Dancing at Davis Restaurant. Above videos of Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires Milongas.Click to view

Tango activities by Marisela

Tango Activities by Marisela

- Immersion tango and cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November.
- Tango classes on Sunday.
- La Milonguita dj'd by Marisela.
- Sponsor out of town master instructors.
- Milonga Bruja fourth Thursday of each Month
- Milonga Loca Second Thursday of each Month

Several Videos of Marisela Dancing with Various Partners

Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires¶ms=OAFIAVgJ&v=cT76Cq5w_qA&mode=NORMAL

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Richard Council


Whether you are beginning tango or an advanced dancer, you can get a lot from Richard. His dancing is precise and elegant. His teaching is caring and thorough.

Private lessons available: $90 per hour for one or two people plus floor fee.

Each workshop - $20 if paid by August 5 / $25 after Sunday August 5. $15 for students

*Early bird discount: Register for all workshops by July 8 and get $20 off.



1) Customizing your embrace and your walk. Crafting your embrace to fit with each partner. We will discuss walking based on the music.

1:30- 2:45

2). Molinete: Balance of Connection:

Creating effortless and fluid molinete through understanding axis and balance

3:00- 4:15

3) Vals: Musical Options: The structure of the phrase in Tango Vals and the use of simple patterns to fit those rhythms.


4) Connecting with the Center: How to use different parts of the torso to create lead and invitation and for the follower how to actively connect to receive the lead.  

 1:30- 2:45

5)  Dancing to the mood of the music: This class will be about following the color and personality changes found in the song.

 3:00- 4:15

6) A touch of Fantasia: boleos, ganchos and sacadas. from both the lead's and follow's perspective and putting them in a sequence that stays compact on the social floor.
All activities at the Reach Center 2520 Harris St.

5-7PM La Milonguita as usual. $5.00

Richard will also be joining us Thursday August 9 at Milonga Loca at Davis Restaurant. 94 West Broadway 8-10 pm

Checks payable to Multicultural Media.
PO Box 374 Eugene, OR 97440
Please include name, phone number and workshop numbers.

More info contact Marisela at or 541-485-6647