Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November

Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November
Dancing at Davis Restaurant. Above videos of Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires Milongas.Click to view

Tango activities by Marisela

Tango Activities by Marisela

- Immersion tango and cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November.
- Tango classes on Sunday.
- La Milonguita dj'd by Marisela.
- Sponsor out of town master instructors.
- Milonga Bruja fourth Thursday of each Month
- Milonga Loca Second Thursday of each Month

Several Videos of Marisela Dancing with Various Partners

Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires¶ms=OAFIAVgJ&v=cT76Cq5w_qA&mode=NORMAL

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New venue tomorrow in downtown- Dancing in Eugene. 

Greetings from a blue sky in Buenos Aires and an unusual summer. Last night it felt cold walking on the street!! I better don't complaint, as I hear is pretty cold back home.

Now back to the unique opportunity to try on a new venue for tango in Eugene. George Sandra and the rest of the milonguita have been working hard at making this new venue a possibility. So, I hear it is a nice floor, a nice ambiance, good musical equipment and really good prices for drinks and food. So, come over. I will be there in spirit and hopefully if it works out, we may end with a couple of venues in downtown, which is nice to have a variety of venues to go to. 

Whenever I come to Buenos Aires I make a point of going and check new venues or new organizers, some has been incredible good surprises. This year, specially, the amount have increased exponentially. Fun, now we don't have too many choices for venue to dance, so pleas e take advantage of this opportunity.

So, here are the minutia details as sent by George

Thursday, December 10th is a trial run Milonga at: 
The Wayward Goat
150 West Broadway
Eugene, OR
8-10 pm. ( they have another event right after, so be ready to leave just before 10pm)
Dance floor is accessed thru the bar to the door on the far right. There is
a full bar in the dance room and we'll have our own private bartender. Bar
food will be available and they are offering us happy hour drink prices. The
dance is for tango only, but outside people can come watch if we want. 
The manager sent this - 
We have a really affordable happy hour ($2.50 wells, $1 off all beers,
5-10pm) and an affordable food menu.

PS. in a sad note I just heard in la 2X4, a radio station that plays tangos all day, that the Great Alberto Podesta passed  away this morning at 9 am. he was a great singer born in 1924, and is one that we listen a lot in my playlists as I am very fun of the many orchestras in which he sang: De Angelis, Miguel Calo, Di Sarli, Pedro Laurenz, Donato etc. I had the luck of seeing him in person singing in the last few years. It was chilling to hear his voice in person, not as vigorous as in the golden age, but as melodic and powerful as before. 
Upon my return, we will devote an entire hour to his recordings. 

Don't forget tomorrow, 
Alberto Podesta

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Greetings from a blue sky in Buenos Aires and an unusual summer. Last night it felt cold walking on the street!! I better don't complaint, as I hear is pretty cold back home.

Now back to the unique opportunity to try on a new venue for tango in Eugene. George Sandra and the rest of the milonguita have been working hard at making this new venue a possibility. So, I hear it is a nice floor, a nice ambiance, good musical equipment and really good prices for drinks and food. So, come over. I will be there in spirit and hopefully if it works out, we may end with a couple of venues in downtown, which is nice to have a variety of venues to go to. 

Whenever I come to Buenos Aires I make a point of going and check new venues or new organizers, some has been incredible good surprises. This year, specially, the amount have increased exponentially. Fun, now we don't have too many choices for venue to dance, so please take advantage of this opportunity.

So, here are the minutia details as sent by George

Thursday, December 10th is a trial run Milonga at:
The Wayward Goat
150 West Broadway
Eugene, OR
8-10 pm. ( they have another event right after, so be ready to leave just before 10pm)
Dance floor is accessed thru the bar to the door on the far right. There is
a full bar in the dance room and we'll have our own private bartender. Bar
food will be available and they are offering us happy hour drink prices. The
dance is for tango only, but outside people can come watch if we want.
The manager sent this -
We have a really affordable happy hour ($2.50 wells, $1 off all beers,
5-10pm) and an affordable food menu.

PS. in a sad note I just heard in la 2X4, a radio station that plays tangos all day, that the Great Alberto Podesta passed  away this morning at 9 am. he was a great singer born in 1924, and is one that we listen a lot in my playlists as I am very fun of the many orchestras in which he sang: De Angelis, Miguel Calo, Di Sarli, Pedro Laurenz, Donato etc. I had the luck of seeing him in person singing in the last few years. It was chilling to hear his voice in person, not as vigorous as in the golden age, but as melodic and powerful as before. 
Upon my return, we will devote an entire hour to his recordings. 

Don't forget tomorrow, 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Marisela's tango and milongas for the rest of 2015

Hello everyone:

Here is a quick summary of the tango plans for the rest of this year.
I will be in Buenos Aires from Nov.5th to December 22nd.

Classes and Milongas by Marisela
Last  regular classes of 3-4 and 4-5pm. this year will end on Sunday, Nov. 1st. 2015
(we will have class on that Sunday). The Nov. class is a drop in charge.

No classes for a total of 8 Sundays during Nov. and Dec. of 2015.
The classes will restart on Sunday January 3rd. 2016.
The Milonguita (dancing on Sunday) and on the fourth Saturday will run during my entire 
absent as we have done in past years, run by our super heroines, You all,  and George once he returns from Buenos Aires.
George will miss one Sunday or perhaps two.
Again, you can count on  your Sunday tango dancing with all my playlists carefully crafted for your enjoyment.

Thursdays Milongas at Davis Restaurant
Only two left in October. They will restart again in January, 2016. No Davis while I am gone. So take advantage of this very special venue in October.

Fourth Saturday dancing: of course tomorrow, fourth Saturday in November and the fourth Saturday in December. I will only miss November and will be back to attend the one on December 26th. 

Once George returns, specifically the practica will begin  on  Sunday, November 22nd, at 4 o'clock open practica, 
So as to give a bit of continuity to the current students, and  a place to practice for the other students and any other member of the tango community. 

The idea will be an open floor practica where people can practice at their own level, the beginners can get help is needed from the team, the more advanced students can practice among themselves and use that time to practice on their own or share ideas..  

The charge will be $5.00 for the open practica and $8.00 if a person attend both the practica and the milonguita (that is 3 hours of tango) With that charge we can afford to have a few people showing or a lot of people and cover the cost of the room.
This practica will go into Sunday the 27th. of December ( I will be attending that last one- a total of 6 Sundays.
 Again start date, Sunday the 22nd of November, hope that new students find this useful both as a way of easing their ways nto the milongas and as a way to continue your tango practice while I am gone. 
Music: no cortinas, I will leave a good mix of the trinity- tango, vals, milongas. And if you want to share your own traditional tangos, bring them ready.
i am open to hear suggestions about how you want to manage the change of partners for those who wish to do that since it is a practica, people can choose to bring their partners and not make changes. Talk to me during the milongas. 

Departure of the tango immersion tour: 
Nov. 5th, Thursday. We are excited to share one more time this unique experience with our fellow dancers. A chance to see by yourself how tango is danced in its birthplace, a chance to be part of the scene and to walk the streets and places in which many of our beloved tangos were written and composed. An incredible journey!

An if you cannot make it to Buenos Aires yet, Muma Valino will bring her brand of Buenos Aires tango to us right here in Eugene. Don't miss the opportunity of picking some of the important tips about the essence of tango. Muma brings with her, the essential elements of the dance that go beyond temporary trends and fashion. 
 The connection through the embrace and posture,  the understanding of the music and the skills to dance in crowded floor.. What you get from her will add to your existent tango and will help you dance any place in the world.
She will here in exactly 20 days. Reserve your spot for group and/or privates soon. 

And don't forget tomorrow,Saturday  Milonga Amore at 1144 Charnelton
New students you are always welcomed to come, and if you just want to come to watch there is no charge.
AND DIANA will have her tango clothing ready!!!! She has new additions.

And of course your Sunday Tango,

See you all tomorrow,
Marisela & George

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tango documentary based on the story of Carlos Copes and Maria Nieves
See trailer

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tonight dancing at Davis Restaurant

Join us tonight for another night of fun, dancing tango
94 west Broadway
8-10 pm
Traditional music

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

MUMA-Milonguera From Buenos Aires
October 15-22nd in Eugene, Oregon 2015 
Organizer: Marisela & George

MUMA is a tango teacher and a dancer of enormous experience. She was born in Buenos Aires, the cradle of tango, where she has taught with the best milongueros of her generation. She is coming as part of her West Coast Tour of the USA to share her accumulated knowledge and her teaching with the late Ricardo Vidort, considered one of the best milongueros of his time. She has also taught extensively with the inimitable Dani ‘Flaco’ Garcia,one of the living giants of the milonga with traspiéthe specialty that makesMUMA sought after in B.A. Having a milonguera of this caliber in Eugene is an opportunity not to be missed by dancers of any level, but especially by the more experienced ones who can perfect their already good styleIf one of your goals is to dance in B.A. with the best of the milongueros, these classes are made for you.

The 2 workshops on Saturday and Sunday are  progressive and will include a large variety of elements in every classsuch as: milonga lisa and with traspié; the “milonguero walk à la Vidort;” turns and counter-turns as they apply to the different rhythms of tango, milonga and vals; The FRIDAY  Specialty workshop is intended for more advanced students  and will be contrasting the rhythm of Juan D’Arienzo with other orchestras. 

The following two links show Muma dancing with her friend Dani Garcia, AKA el flaco at milonga “Sunderland”, and at another venue.  The third one shows her skills with the legendary Ricardo Vidort in Buenos Aires. And in the last, she narrates her personal experience of dancing, teaching with, and befriending this great milonguero:



Dancing to D’Arienzo’s Tango and Vals. D'arienzo , styles  before/after the 1940's.
This Specialty workshop will deepen your understanding of the changes that occur in your tango when you dance to an orchestra like D'arienzo. Recommended for experienced students.

SATURDAY October 17, (2 workshops)

CLASS 1: From 1:00-2:30 All levels
Milonguero style for Tango, Vals and Milonga. Posture and rhythm, “milonguero walk à la Vidort.”

CLASS 2: From 3-4:30 .
Sequences for milonga lisa and with Traspié

Saturday Muma will be at Milonga Inspiracion by Rory and Alicia 

CLASS 3: From 1:00- 2:30 PM.
 Continuig with milonga  lisa and with TraspiéMilonguero turns, to right and left. Integrating material from the Saturday classes  into a general practice of all elements.
Marisela's regular classes will be happening on Sunday afternoon as well as the milonguita. Muma in attendance at the Milonguita

Guided practica
Come and practice what you know or what have learned  with Muma. Muma will be there to answer questions and help.

Total four workshops and one guided practica.
Each workshop last 1.5 hour and there is a break of half an hour  between workshops.
Guided practica last 1.5 hour also.

All Workshops will be At Knight of Pythias- 420 West 12th. Eugene.
Cost: $ 25.00 per workshop if pre-paid by or before October 11th.  
$30 per workshop after that date.  Guided practica $10. if prepaid.

Private Classes are $ 90 for one person, $ 100 for a couple. plus $5.00 studio fee. Please schedule with Marisela. or 541-485-6647
 Reserve early! cash preferred as Muma lives in Argentina


it is the fourth Saturday of the month and our time for our exclusive milonga at the revived downtown. This is a great milonga to bring your non tango friends, drinks and food can be brought to the dance floor and also for those new students who wan the taste of the milonga scene with zero pressure. Make a date!

8-10pm at 94 West Broadway
$5.00 for a whole bunch of fun and fitness.
Just saw a PBS program last night about the importance of good posture and alignment to keep all those 600ish bones working for us, (wrong posture crush organs and create atrophy all over) oh, my better head to tango!!!!

WE only have September and October at Davis restaurant and then, no more until 2016.

Sunday, of course, our milonguita and classes.

September 4, Diana event downtown, everyone invited. Final details coming soon.

A taste of true Buenos Aires through visiting maestra MuMa Valino. In October, not to be missed.

November 5th, departure to Buenos Aires with the tango immersion tour.
Still room in our suitcase if you want to come with us

And then the year will be over!!!!!

Tango hugs,
Marisela & the incredible George
Sent from my iPad

Monday, March 30, 2015

The experience of a lifetime!

One of the greatest city in the world and the heart of tango dancing!
We are going again in 2015 to Buenos Aires. This is not your every day tour, but an immersion experience with people that share similar  interest. All places and experiences are chosen to get the most out of a limited time.


One or two exciting weeks in Buenos Aires .

(You can stay longer if you want.)


Please e.mail with your questions:

Departure: November 5th





2014 - Comments


My trip to Buenos Aires last November as a part of Marisela Rizik’s dance troupe was a dream fulfilled. Traveling with her group was a great way to experience it. Her knowledge of the city and local customs was excellent, but her milonga information was invaluable. She worked above and beyond to make sure her charges trips were smooth and they all got the most from their trips.


Marisela helped with finding an apartment for the second half of the trip. At the end of our week together the transfer of our group to different apartments or airports was well handled and coordinated. I would do it all over, in fact, I plan to.

Michael Hanner


I went to Buenos Aires for the first time with Marisela and her tango group last fall (spring down there!) I have to say Marisela is an excellent group leader -- she knows the city's dance milieu like the back of her hand, where and when to go to the best milongas, where to buy different types of shoes, etc. She has the patience of two saints -- helping us all with our big and little needs and desires. Even after the larger group split up into several smaller pods and she was theoretically "off duty" she stayed in touch and hung out with us for dances, meals, and other activities. I had a small health problem there and Marisela was extremely solicitous and helpful. She was very generous with her time. I really believe Marisela thinks of us in her tango community as family and she makes us feel comfortable and cared for. I would go back with her any time.

Toni Hanner





Comments from the 2011 trip:


This has been one of the best trips I've taken. A great group of people and you managed us and our activities so beautifully, even accommodating the various individual trips we each wanted to take.

- Sherrill Bower

Shivering now under the cold fingers of winter and thinking longingly of the sunny skies of Buenos Aires. Thank you so much, Marisela, for making this trip possible. It will remain one of the high points of Don and my lives. We had a wonderful time and it was all becuase of your gentle tutlage and your willingness to introduce us to this great cit.

-Christine Menager