Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November

Immersion tango and Cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November
Dancing at Davis Restaurant. Above videos of Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires Milongas.Click to view

Tango activities by Marisela

Tango Activities by Marisela

- Immersion tango and cultural tour to Buenos Aires every November.
- Tango classes on Sunday.
- La Milonguita dj'd by Marisela.
- Sponsor out of town master instructors.
- Milonga Bruja fourth Thursday of each Month
- Milonga Loca Second Thursday of each Month

Several Videos of Marisela Dancing with Various Partners

Marisela dancing with friends in Buenos Aires¶ms=OAFIAVgJ&v=cT76Cq5w_qA&mode=NORMAL

Friday, April 12, 2013

Student sharing;
Dennis in his first tango class.
Hi Marisela;
I was really surprised how much the dance resonated with me. I found the lesson fun and refreshing even though it was my first time trying this dance. The Tango reminds me of the Waltz because it seems that once posture, movement, and sensing weight change become second nature (and you don't have to think so much) the dance would be a mesmerizing experience in which the world disappears and there is only each moment as it unfolds between you and your partner. While I enjoy dances like swing, contra, polka and, to a some extent, salsa, these are not dances I can generally lose myself in.
Your instruction to "walk this way" reminded me of the movies. Here's a youtube link I thought you and George might enjoy.
This is absolutely funny!
Thanks Dennis 


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